At first, being happy is a great emotion. People who are happy feel good about themselves, are cheerful and usually very productive. These people are often in a positive flow where they can get the best out of themselves and their environment.

Their cheerfulness can be contagious, positively influencing the atmosphere in a team.

Nevertheless, a comment can be made with (too) happy people. It may be that the joy causes a certain degree of professionalism and objectivity to be lost.

You also won’t be the first one where a happy mood leads to naïve behavior. Where people overestimate their abilities and may make decisions that are not entirely in line with reality.

In short: joy is fine but stay alert.


If you are in an environment where people are not happy, that can really have consequences for the productivity / involvement of the team.  Certainly not getting into a positive flow makes the team work stiffly. There is little connection with each other. Making appointments is sometimes difficult, people do not really want to work together and will mainly focus on their own work.

There is no team feeling and there is no intention to do more for each other. To work harder for each other or to go the extra mile in the interest of the team.

Often successes are not celebrated, and people are mainly concerned with the issues of the day. Demotivation lurks and people may wonder why they’re on this team in the first place.

If you are in an over-positive team, be alert. Agreements, commitments, etc. can have a completely different meaning than intended out of joy and flow.  Sometimes it is better to look at a situation from a distance.

Also, I’m always a little suspicious of people who are so happy or too cheerful. I think there’s a double charge, or that I don’t really understand what’s really going on

In short, together with your team you have to look for the right doses of happiness. Enough to get / stay in a positive flow but with a sense of reality. That is the ideal situation.


If you are in a negative flow with your team, address that. Find out what makes people look at the team negatively and get on with it. It already starts to think in thermal baths as a connection and celebrating successes. It can also help to strive for friendships at work. Or at least investigate here whether that is possible and how that can be achieved.

Furthermore, I extensively reflect on themes where it is so incredibly easy to get the team into a positive flow. Maybe it’s useful because to read.

However, if you are in a too positive a flow with your team, address that as well. People who have a too positive/ rosy view of the matter sometimes lose sight of reality. People who are too happy/ cheerful may arouse suspicion. Questions such as: why they are so happy, do they play that, do they see how it really works, can occur to members of the team

Out of joy, you hear comments like: “we can do that” or “I think what is”. Fine in itself but stay sober and realistic.


We are all professionals, and, in that role, it is good to deal with joy at work in a mature and balanced way. Try to be the good and beautiful sides of this joy. And also, to really remember that this is a very powerful motivator.

If you are not there yet with your team, try to grow to this stage. With simple small steps, you will already notice that the flow in the team is going in the positive direction.


A normal handling of happiness at work is very important. It gives a lot of confidence when the leader of the team handles this in a professional way.

Say yes to joy if you can but say no to joy if you have to.


Make sure you’re happy together. That you are in a positive flow at the time, but be real