Every team has to deal with boundaries. I came across one of the theories about this at a symposium on burnout. They showed me this diagram: (to come)

They said that there are three limits, namely:

– the external boundary (between the team and the environment)

– the boundary between the leader (in the blue center) and the team

– the boundary between the team members (between the boxes)

All these boundaries can be under pressure. That in itself is not a bad thing, because there are limits for that. But if the pressure becomes too high, or the boundaries are unclear/ or are crossed, this can lead to energy leaks.

In the context of awareness of this fact, I would like to reflect on this


Fumbling at the borders can become a problem within a team. Especially if the boundaries are crossed and there is no adequate response, the structure of the team is under pressure.

However, there are different situations per border. For example, if:

– there is pressure on the external border and the team is well put together. Then cohesion is created, the team becomes closer

– there is pressure on the internal boundary (between leader and team) agitation can occur. Members of the team cross boundaries, putting the structure of the team under pressure

– there is pressure between them (between the members of the team), then there is intrigue

Especially in the last 2 situations, there is a high risk of energy loss andthat is in the context of burnout prevention and excellent starting point to intervene on.


Unclear boundaries or crossing them are therefore not only annoying, but they also feel unsafe. After all, who keeps the overview and takes care of the group.

On all these 3 boundaries, the leader is of decisive importance.

It is essential that the boundaries are set very clearly. It can already help to describe the boundaries and discuss this with the team. So that everyone knows what the relationships are and what the consequences are if one crosses the borders.

If that is not well organized in your team, try to change it.  Both as a leader, but also as a member of the team.


If the boundaries are clearer, the team can function more adequately and efficiently. After all, everyone knows what is expected. Also, what one can expect from each other.

This strengthens the cohesion of the team.


Clearly defining tasks, assignments, expectations and structures of the team is extremely important. It gives a lot of confidence when the boundaries are clear and unambiguous.


Boundaries help. They indicate exactly what, where, who, why and when something is expected of someone. Clear boundaries are very helpful in preventing energy leaks