
After a while you will notice that there is space to do things, even outdoors. Such as putting a letter in the mailbox, taking away the glass, unloading the dishwasher, taking out the garbage, taking a short walk, etc.


Then, it’s time to start structuring your days into a regular rhythm. So that you get something to hold on to. Even to take control over the burn out. 


You could structure the day so that roughly the same thing happens every day. For example: In the morning you get up at 8.00, you go for breakfast, take a shower and go for a walk at 9.30. In the afternoon and evening, you choose a different structure. And so on.


This isn’t going to work right away and there are days when you really don’t want to. That’s okay. Just keep practicing calmly. Give yourself the time to experience this too. 


Own experience

I preferred to hang out on the couch all day and that is good in this initial phase. Only my days felt empty and useless. At one point I thought: how do I get out of here? I then started to structure my days by using a fixed rhythm. That was quite easy. 


I wanted to walk every day, be able to sleep in the afternoon, eat with the family in the evening and go to bed on time. So that was my structure in the beginning. Later I expanded that


I kept that up for a long time. It gave me an enormous REST.


What is positive?

Rhythm provides support and therefore peace. It also provides insight into what you can and cannot do yet. That insight promotes recovery.


As a side effect, it also adds usefulness to the day. Then it seems as if you are participating again.



1.   If you are ready: give yourself 2 or 3 goals that you would like to achieve in a day. E.g., walking, eating with family and sleeping during the day.

2.   Keep the goals small and therefore achievable.

3.   Don’t want too much. Small steps are also steps.

4.   Experience the peace of your own choices.

5.   Be kind to yourself. If things don’t go the way you want, try again tomorrow.


Keep it going it will be fine!!

By structuring the days, you get peace. If you also adjust the structure in such a way that you start planning green and red zones (read planning) then the days start to feel useful and effective.


You will get the feeling that you are getting a grip on the situation. You might see the contours of recovery. That experience gave me enormous relief. The feeling of: I’m getting out of here!! 


So also, for you: you get out of this by planning and structuring!!